
Archive for June, 2010

Post of Rage 3: With A Vengeance

June 7, 2010 Leave a comment

For the past few days I met a lot of this pain generating idiots and trends that currently invading our dear country. Some of them is usually seen in frequent basis and others are just the flavor of the week and wishing the fad disappear immediately. Time to wear my rage cap and welcome you to another installment of “Post of Rage”, where I can write things I despise and only thing missing is to throw an old broken down toilet to the things I want to crap on.

Drivers who does not know how to use directional signal lights
It is one of those minor things that you can do to decrease road accidents but no, a lot of idiots on the road, especially with the public utility vehicles, for some reason does not know how to use those signal lights and just swerve drastically on each lanes. They jump from one lane to another, racing to their desired destination and high-fiving with the smiling Grim Reaper.

Jejemons Phenomenon
The language molesters and their counterparts the jejebusters should end to exist immediately. They are just  wasting precious internet time and cellphone load, spreading their idiocy. I hope TV news shows stop meddling with this crap and show something relevant or something that can actually help this country. Lastly, this phenomenon is simply annoying.

Filipino Time on Filipino Channels
The Filipino time is a very notorious habit of local countrymen. Filipino time is basically at least 30 minutes to an hour delay from the original time. For example, if the meeting was originally set at  1:00pm, expect the attendees will arrive at around 1:30 and the meeting will begin at 1:45. This also applies to local television network, especially on prime time schedules. The shows starts and ends on different times everyday. Is it hard to come up with a practical schedule and just follow it? when they show the line up of shows, 90% of time there are no specific time on each program and they just, eff it and play the show in a sequence without relying to a non-confusing method of setting schedules properly.

Novelty Radio DJs
I opened the radio and I hear  nice music, just the right soothing alternative rock while driving somewhere in Manila, but all of a sudden, an ear shattering spiel of the DJ blasts to the speakers accompanied with a little jejespeak and other nonsense, later realizing the station is a god damn novelty radio station, home of the most annoying DJs on the planet, not locally, but as whole freaking planet. They are annoying and borderline sleazefest and I wonder our local radio commission does not impose any penalties on this particular stations where the DJs obscenity is quite obvious, vocal and very unnecessary. Yet a lot of our local countrymen enjoy listening to this stations which can destroy more brain cells than drinking a bottle of rugby.

Coffee shop WiFi Hoggers and Time wasting histrionic idiots
Bunch of them are social climbers and thinking hanging out in internet café will raise their popularity or whatever these kids call it today. Since coffee shop is a good place to stay, they can waste time and trying to look more socialite as possible, its like reverse jejemon or something. They will choose the cheapest food from the menu just to declare to the world he is eating and drinking something from the shop,and indulging it in the most pathetic attempt to duplicate on how a typical blue blood snob eat his dishes. While waiting for someone they now to take notice that they are in a posh coffee shop, they will use their cellphones with crappy browser to take advantage of the free WiFi service offered by the coffee shop and posting Facebook status or twits sharing to their friends that they are in this café and sips more from the glass of ice-cold water, of course also free from the shop. Lovely, isn’t it.

Time to remove my rage cap, dusting all the remaining raging steam inside of me, smile a little since in few minutes I’ll be driving home, hooray for me.

Shrek Forever After and Prince of Persia The Sands of Time: Double Humble Movie Review

June 2, 2010 Leave a comment

I watched Shrek Forever After and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time one week apart and both flicks I find them enjoyable and memorable.

First, I am a big fan of the Shrek series, including the third part which everyone hates. The story is quite touching, a little deep and quite refreshing. It is surprisingly the amount of pop culture references the series is famous for is less on this installment. The humor is still clever and the story is predictable, but as a humble movie reviewer, I am easily pleased. The visuals were outstanding especially if you watched the 3D version and the overall presentation is better than the previous movie.

A very good closure for the series, if it is definitely the last chapter that is but the rumored fifth part of the series is currently circulating the veins of the net, but I think this movie is already good to end one of the most interesting 3D animated movie series ever. I give this movie with a shreking score of 4 stars out of 5 stars.

On the other corner we have Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, an old videogame franchise with awesome gaming history which consists of old Persian sword fights and acrobatics porn, I mean a prince obsessed with acrobatics.

Majority of videogame based movies were notorious of receiving negative feedback but this movie is one of those which turned out great. The story is loosely based from the game of the same name which I never played before but who cares, the movie was enjoyable and awesome, and to think this is the first time in countless years I watched a live action Disney movie.

All characters did awesome jobs in portraying their respective roles despite all those characterization debacles protesting Gyllenhaal’s being caucasian playing a Persian prince. It’s all about the presentation and how to convince the audience that you are portraying a character.

The story greatly reminds me of the Lion King for some reason where everyone wants to wear the crown and pose like a king, except for the main character named Prince Dastan, since all he wants to climb walls and leap from rooftops to another. Speaking of rooftop leaping, the movies has one of the greatest and creative stunt works ever complimented with stunning visuals especially during the siege of that holy city that houses the Sands of Time dagger.

In the end, the movie is great and the money is worth it, and hopefully they developed film versions of the succeeding sequels Warriors Within and Two Thrones soon. Since I am easily amused and have a great history of watching videogame based movies, even that god awful Postal, I give this movie 3.75 stars out of 5 stars.