
Posts Tagged ‘Annoy’

Annoying Facebooking

March 11, 2010 4 comments

Facebook is a great tool for your social life and a good way to reconnect with your old friends, the close ones of course, all the way back in your elementary days. Still, the most prized feature of Facebook, the status update, can be abused with borderline annoying and most of the time unnecessary entries. Having Facebook as a mobile application can also be considered as a sin, because you can post pointless status anywhere like in a posh mall eating your ice cream or seating outside of Starbucks looking fabulous without ordering anything. Here are some of the annoying status that plaque Facebook servers.

Attention Whore
They usually post something that will make them good, or in a way praise themselves in a narcissistic manner. Examples like “I completed a 1,000 meter dash without any sweat” or “I just got my car a new set of wheels, lolz”.

Attention Whore 2: The Emotional Edition
They use the Facebook to release his emotional outburst in a confusing manner. The posts will make you ask what the hell happened to you and he will answer in a subtle way that you want to hit his head repeatedly with a keyboard. They have problems and want to share it to the world through Facebook, but his online friends will have to endure of figuring out the problem in the first place.

Gamer Inviter
We all admittedly play games in Facebook and I am a Restaurant City and Tower Bloxx addict. But please don’t bombard the Facebook walls with game invites repeatedly. One time ignore is enough so stop reinviting me again to play this games.

My lovelife is broadcasted to the world
Good for you if you have the greatest partner in the whole world, which you probably also told to your ex-significant others that they were the greatest partner in the whole world. If you want to talk about your love shenanigans either negative or positive, talk to your real life friends in real life than post it with people who has no absolutely idea about your private life.

I comment to my own status
You post a status, then in few seconds you will place a follow-up comment, then in few minutes you will post another comment even without any contribution from other users. It is like you are talking to yourself like you are having a schizophrenia moment. For example, your status is “I will have a great party on Saturday” then you will leave a comment on your own status with “That party will be awesome, YEAH” then for no reason at all you will place another comment on your own status with “LOLZ”

I answer this quiz you also answer this puhleeze
Like the Gamer Inviter, this time they will splatter your Facebook wall with invitations for quizzes, mostly pointless like are you a lefty or a righty quiz. If you ignored it, 90% of time they will invite you again to answer those quizzes. The more you answer and add the quiz results on your Facebook page, the layout will became more and more like the dreaded chopsuey emo layout of Myspace and the only thing missing is all those twinkling stars.

I unload a big load of crap in my toilet! POST IT! I brushed my teeth! POST IT! I am all alone in this cubicle because of overtime work! POST IT! I am a lefty in this quiz! POST IT! I am taking a bath! POST IT!
Sadly, there are a lot of them in Facebook that will post anything, including the ones that are very unnecessary like taking a shower. They constantly post and won’t last a short period of time without posting any new updates. They probably have at least 10 status updates per day and most of them are pointless.

Facebook Status should have a point, not annoying and must be used properly for the good of the world.

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Movie Theater A-Holes

March 8, 2010 Leave a comment

I still watch movies in theaters even if there is a DVD quality pirated version of the same movie being sold nearby. There is a different feeling if you watch the movie in the theater itself, complete with greasy and heart attacking foods and seating in a comfortable chair.

Being surrounded with complete strangers in a theater has its drawbacks, since there are at least 1 person or a group of wackos and dicks among them that will ruin your movie experience for you. This is the list of Movie Theater A-Holes, and sadly, there are mostly done by “cool” teenagers who should frolic somewhere where they can be run over by a bunch of 10 wheeler trucks.

They are the ones constantly chatting with their companions in a loud and annoying manner. They talk indiscriminately and nonstop especially during the good parts. It’s okay to talk but more discreet and not too freaking loud you megaphone sucker.

Seat kickers
They place their feet on the back of the chair in front of them as if they are lying in their bed at home, sometimes with a little force that you can feel. Fortunately, I encountered such people in a diplomatic manner and I managed to convince them to place their feet in the floor, because that is where are they suppose to be in the first place.

Cellphones… so bright…
Answering and texting through their cellphones can really be distracting especially if the backlight of their unit can lit an electric less country. Use your darn hands to cover the cellphone and be courteous with your fellow movie watcher and go outside and answer your phone.

Status Addicts
Same as above, instead of answering or sending SMS over the air, they will just post their current status on Facebook and tweets on, of course, Tweeter, via their phones. Who the freaking cares if your status, sugar-coated with cheesiness left and right, that you are watching the movie? it is only beneficial for your personal stalkers who deeds whenever you post a status on your page. All your constant pressing of buttons and the bright light of your cellphone kills the experience.

Baby seating in theaters
I like kids, I like babies, they are the greatest things in the world, even they are sometimes obnoxious. But please, do not bring them in theaters, especially in inappropriate movies. Most of the time they will not be quiet and cry throughout the movie. Try to find a guardian or baby sitter for your kids or if you really want to watch the movie but there is no one to take care of your kid, just go buy a pirated version of same movie and watch it at home, with your other hand caressing your little you. Piracy can be the solution of your quality time with your offspring.

Crunchy Munchy
Just like the obnoxious munchers in public vehicles, they are not speaking much but every excruciating and disgusting sound of their food munching is already annoying. Can they have it in moderation and not shove their face in their popcorn bowl like there are running out of food.

Popcorn Throwers
Oh man,  this pricks should shove their popcorn bowls up their oversexed behinds. They think it is funny to throw popcorn pieces to random strangers. They think they have conquered the world by throwing food items and giggling like an innocent schoolgirl who just saw her first porno.I would pay to watch a big, scary, Batista like guy, who just got hit by a random popcorn and immediately pinpointed the culprit and beat them senseless, that would be entertaining to watch than the actual film.

“Cool” kids that would say a random loud comment as if they are the best thing
They will ruin the movie experience when they say random loud comments that can be heard all the way outside of the auditorium, followed up by forced laughter among their friends with matching high-fives on the side. These misguided and probably got dropped when their babies think they are witty, funny and overall cool. But most of the movie patrons who wants peace and order may go medieval on these sorry souls.

Movie watching in a theater, even if it is already run down or with an elegant and expensive interior design, should be enjoyable at the same time, be courteous with other movie patrons. Just like that singing Frog from that Meet The Robinsons commercial usually shown in Ayala Cinemas, it is not your living room. So next time you watch a movie, think about that singing Frog then behave, be civil and enjoy the show.

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