
Posts Tagged ‘edge of darkness’

Edge of Darkness: A Humble Movie Review

February 21, 2010 1 comment

It is one of those movies that I only found out a few days ago and I did not even once watched the trailer. We originally wanted to watch Valentines Day movie but me and Rein finally decided to watch a somewhat comeback movie of Mel Gibson entitled the Edge of Darkness.

The title is kind of like a horror film but it contradict on the poster that heavily reminds me of my other old favorite movie Payback, which also starred Gibson.  The movie is basically a slow rollercoaster ride of finding who is the main culprit of his daughter’s weird poisoning and the subsequent death. Gibson, a horribly aged detective named Thomas Kraven, seeks justice by tracing and kicking asses throughout the movie. Along the way he meets a hitman intended to kill him, but I cannot understand 70% of this guy’s dialogue, it’s a mixture of pure english accent with mumblings. I missed a lot of key plots  from the hitman because all I hear is muzzled mumblings, like a grumpy old man telling his neighbor kids to get off his lawn. The movie has more drama than the action we usually expect from this kind of film.

In the end Kraven finally found the main culprit, a lot of them, got poisoned, shoot some guys, kick more asses and shoot some guys in a calculated Clint Eastwood of mannerism. Unfortunately, he died due to his gun wounds and extreme dosage of the poison, but the presentation of his death was heartwarming as his soul reunites with his daughter while walking slowly out of the hospital room and to the light.

The movie is somewhat slow in the first quarter of the movie but it is understandable since we can see Gibson’s portrayal of a father who has nothing to lose but to get justice of his daughter’s death is well portrayed. He investigates, gets leads, rear end guys and finally reached to the climax of the movie. The movie reminds me of his portrayal of Porter in Payback, but a mix of Brian Mill’s (Taken) mentality. I enjoyed the film and the only major complain that I have is that hitman, a major character,  has speaking problems. Only I understand his dialogue after reading some of his lines online, he is also the one muttered the line Edge of Darkness.

If you like a hard-boiled detective like story, with a string of Taken’s in your face hand to hand action, I highly recommend this film. I say watch it and I hope you can easily understand on what the heck hitman’s is rambling about.