
Posts Tagged ‘filipino teens’

The Language Molestors

April 23, 2010 2 comments

Since Internet and its all broadband glory is already in the mainstream, a lot of people uses the Internet to exchange ideas and inputs. Since many people are partaking the great Internet concept, there is still a percentage of users labeled as Jejemons.

Jejemon? what the fudge?
Admittedly I have no idea on what a Jejemon yet I met them almost everyday especially on local message boards. I just learned the term a week ago and I realized they are literally a lot of them, thousands of them. A Jejemon uses an absurd language which is a localized and modified version of 1337 speak or leet speak or as I called it as idiot speak. 1337 speak is what the foreign online gamers and computer geeks used to communicate with each other, their own language widely used by young Internet athletes, which consists of basement dwellers and has a phobia of outside life.

A simple he he he is not hard to type
The term Jejemon is taken from the murdered phrase of  “he he he”. From the universally known “he he he” was tragically converted into “je je je”. Some others say it all started with a typo like how “owned” turned  into “pwned” but repeatedly using the letter J instead of letter H is pure bullcrap. They love to put unnecessary letters to words to make it longer, for the reason I don’t know why. Another characteristic of this idiocy is to mix both lower and upper case of a letter, in one word. An example is the word hello, if  molested by a Jejemon, HeLouwH is the new word. Combining similar sounding letters side by side to make it more complicated like the word afternoon turns into AfPterNuN.

Jejemons, the Younger Years
Actually the Jejemon phenomenon is not new, they are just more prevalent than before because the easy accessibility of the broadband Internet. Back when I was just starting using the net, around 97 or 98, a lot of Jejemons already spread their language nonsense throughout the cyberspace. Internet back then is still not a mainstream thing and I got my first taste of Internet access inside of our old school library. Some of them are actually my old friends in high school and they are usually hang around in MIRC and the early versions of Yahoo Chats. Fortunately I never adopt Jejemonesque language, the closest similar language I use online are the usual Internet slangs like LOL, ROFL and Full of Win.

Jejemons, the Modern Crap
Now, the modern Jejemons dances around in the Internet, especially in big social sites. In my observation there are just a bunch of directionless male teenagers who acts like stereotype hispanic gangsters, throwing ridiculous hand signs and wearing outrageous clothes while inside of a public Internet café, wasting the hard-earned money of their parents through being idiots in the Internet. Unfortunately, they are a lot of female Jejemons, I think they greater in numbers than their male counterparts. You know the type, excited teen girls and doing cutesy stuff in the Internet, communicating each other through their murdered language and does other stuff  a lot of modern teens enjoy, which includes stripping themselves and doing shows online naked. Sadly, there are 20+ Filipinos who still do the Jejemon crap and should face a repeatedly stabbing with a broken keyboard to the head.

A way to lessen the number of Jejemons is don’t feed on their idiocy. Still The best thing to fight Jejemons is simply take the Internet and the computer itself away from them and put them back to school, probably all the way down to basic Nursery level language class.

The Kids Aren’t Alright

April 19, 2010 Leave a comment

Last Saturday, we did a photo shoot for a client, and in the middle of the session, 4 teenage kids, related to the client I suppose,  entered the scene and start acting what I really hate, which is being annoying dicks, which consists of obnoxiously noisy and doing a quick sexy time outside of the studio where they thought no one can see their pre-marital deed. I asked myself what the heck is wrong with today’s youth today, well not all of them. Let say 60% of current generation of teenagers are a bunch of….. well, dicks.

Before I grab an annoying directionless kid and show them an non-Internet life called “real life”, here are some my observations and inputs on why some of the kids aren’t alright this days. Remember, I always say SOME, not all of them because there are still a crop of teenagers who can do wonders in the future. Lastly, yes, my topic title is an Offspring song, kick ass.

SEXYcitement Time
Younger generations are more sexually active today. They are really excited, way excited when it comes to sexy time. I know teenage life is where you will know the birds and the bees crap but damn, some of them already know the stuff before hitting 13. I thought liberated teenagers only associated to foreign teens, but  now it applies with local teens, complete with strap showing contests with each others. It is scary now it is easier to get to someone’s pants with just a few sweet talk and all that crap.

Camwhore Galore
I still don’t get teen’s obsession of taking their photos in their underwear in their under aged glory, in a weird upper right corner and posting in the Internet. Later, they will cry and have their “emotional breakdown” when the photo goes to places even Google does not want to archive.

Emo Crapload
They are really emotional, I mean super emotional to the point you will think is this just an act or your overacting skills powered of being an emotional junkie is really convincing. It’s like it’s the end of the world if you partner of one week, which you only met through social sites, dumped you over to a foreigner 30ish guy she also met online. Sadly, a lot of them cut themselves with rusty cardboard cutter and end their life in an instant.

Maybe being sheltered for a long time and luring them away from the real world, they cannot handle instances where being strong is a big need. Example, they will go overreact if he or she got a little wound, but before getting the proper treatment, they will go hysterical and sometimes cry in one corner. If they met a problem, instead of facing it directly, they will just rely to someone who will handle the situation while you, the pussified person, is smiling and continue updating his Facebook status via a mobile phone.

Cannot survive without their daily dose of Internet
I know, I know, Internet is an essential everyday tool, but come on, lessen your online presence and, you know, hang out with your friends and go places. Hanging out with your close friends is simply, very good for your life.

Jejemons or whatever you called it
They have an insane fetish of destroying written words in every despicable way. The weird thing is they actually understand and communicate each other through their murdered language. This “Jejemons” or simply idiots is usually seen in a lot of message boards and social sites. At first I don’t have any idea on what the heck is a Jejemon so I googled it, and in few seconds felt sad to the 60% of the youth.

Brash and very impolite
Every generation of teenagers has its own line of disrespectful and impolite chunks which I am guilty of. Now, there are more brash, disrespectful and impolite to their elders. Nowadays you can no longer see the line between the elders and teens in terms of respect. They are all talk but when it is time to face the problem, they will go in pussified mode.

Lazier than Garfield
Maybe I blame their parents for this but a lot of today’s teens are lazy and being spoon fed with a silver spoon from left and right. There is no balance of learning new stuff through insistent hard work and consistent perseverance. No more sense of responsibility for the kids today and that’s why a lot of unwanted pregnancies, early unfortunate deaths, juvenile detainees and kids with no future emerged.

Teenage life is what a lot of considered the best stage of our life so don’t waste it in the drain. Be firm and strong and don’t throw away your life because some idiot that you plan to marry in 10 years left you for another idiot.Balance fun and hard work which will lead you to a good life once you exited the awkward years. Lastly and the most important thing to remember for teenagers is not be a dick.