
Posts Tagged ‘blog’

Is The Nocturnalfrolic, THE BEST TIME WASTING BLOG EVER, dead?

July 17, 2010 Leave a comment

Nope, I was just preoccupied with a lot of work and I kind of run out of creative juice when it comes to writing stuff for the blog.

Since blogging is not my real full-time interest, the blog can lie dormant for few weeks or even at least one month. I will try my best to waste your time more by writing more nifty ramblings, movie reviews and other usual categories.

I am so happy and want to shed an over dramatic single tear because even though the site is kind of dead for few weeks, there are still regular readers, well according to the blog stats and they are actually checking and reading older entries.

Fortunately for me, I am starting to dust off some writers block and start writing again. I will do my best to deliver a time-wasting entry at least once a week, preferably weekends.

Thank you for sharing your wasted time on my blog.

Categories: Personal Mode Tags: ,

Blog Here and There

February 10, 2010 Leave a comment

Why do I blog? aside from imparting on whatever is running on my mind, I need to do this to improve something, my brain, particularly memory enhancement. As I get older, I realized I have a terrible case of short-term memory loss.

I think this stuff happened right after college. I tend to forget things, not often, but it always happen in inappropriate times like such as, if I asked something to my officemate and I got the answer. A mere minute later, I forgot the answer and asked him or her again. I enter a room to pick up something but suddenly I forgot what am I suppose to look for.

I read in many resources that one of the most important way to improve your memory is to read and write a lot. Fortunately I love reading stuff, I have a huge collection of assorted magazines, humor books and novels. I actively participating in selected message boards and it helps my memory. I even write my a novel, which is still not finish after writing it periodically for 8 years but it improves my mind, it enhances my vocabulary, even my horrible grammar. I don’t know even know if I can finally finish the darn thing.

My personal blogging is very beneficial for me, I primarily don’t do this to garner traffic, but hopefully I acquire bigger traffic, but the point is, I use blog to improve my memory, grammar and vocabulary skills. Graphic design is still my primary computer related specialty, it puts gasoline on my car and pay my internet bill.

Who knows, maybe in the future, if I became more active with blogging and I have regular viewers, I might make this my income generator. Thanks for reading my blog.

Categories: Personal Mode Tags: , ,